National Round Table in Portugal: Challenges and Perspectives in Leading Sustainable Systems and Business Transformation

By |2023-02-01T15:13:32+00:00February 1st, 2023|

"Challenges and Perspectives in Leading Sustainable Systems and Business Transformation" round table was held on the 29th of November 2022, at Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, between 2 pm and 3:30 pm.

National Round Table in Austria: Challenges and Perspectives in Leading Sustainable Systems and Business Transformation

By |2023-02-01T12:49:28+00:00December 20th, 2022|

The Austrian national round table "Challenges and Perspectives in Leading Sustainable Systems and Business Transformation" was held on December 7th, and was organised by the Apflbutzn, FH JOANNEUM Graz and BEST Institute for vocational training and personal training.

National Round Table: Challenges and Perspectives in Leading Sustainable Systems and Business Transformation

By |2023-02-01T12:49:57+00:00December 2nd, 2022|

The first national round table "Challenges and Perspectives in Leading Sustainable Systems and Business Transformation" was held on November 29, from 12:00 - 14:00 and was organised by the Institute for Research in Environment, Civil Engineering and Energy, Civil Engineering Institute Macedonia, and the Small Business Chamber.

Online Kick-off Meeting

By |2023-03-23T11:32:20+00:00June 30th, 2022|

Your Content Goes Here Launching the CATALYST Project The first online kick-off meeting of the CATALYST project took place on 28 June 2022.  All CATALYST project partners attend the meeting and made introduction to their organisations and teams. The project coordinator presented the project proposal, task, deadlines and next activities. [...]

CATALYST – European Commission

By |2022-09-15T11:35:13+00:00June 29th, 2017|

Your Content Goes Here Results are encouraging Aenean vitae neque est. Proin aliquam, lacus non ullamcorper elementum, diam eros faucibus orci, sed lobortis lectus urna egestas ligula. Morbi viverra, orci ac sodales consectetur, erat justo dictum urna, sodales ultrices nulla diam placerat ipsum. Donec at aliquet est. Aenean tincidunt vitae quam eu [...]

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