Inspire Portfolio

The development of the “Inspire” Portfolio of Resources and Services is a central element of the “Inspire” component of the CATALYST project. The “Inspire” elements focus on the practical application of new skills in real-life scenarios, working closely with SMEs. It provides mentorship and guidance to SMEs in implementing new and sustainable concepts within their organisations. Therefore, in addition to the courses developed within the project, more than 25 resources and services have been defined and developed to complement the course content and enhance understanding and application of the course elements.
When referring to Resources, this describes supplementary materials or assets provided to learners to enhance their educational experience and help them achieve their learning objectives. These resources are typically available alongside the core course content and may vary depending on the specific needs of the learners and the subject matter. Resources offer rather ‘passive’ support that doesn’t involve direct interaction with service providers or instructors. They should be self-explanatory and accessible at any time. When referring to Services, this covers a range of interactive and supportive offerings that enhance the learning experience by providing learners with guidance, assistance, and personalised support. Services offer more ‘active’ support, requiring direct interaction and assistance from instructors or platform staff. Due to the additional effort required, access to services should be limited.

Explore our Inspire Portfolio of Resources and Services here.


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