National Round Table: Challenges and Perspectives in Leading Sustainable Systems and Business Transformation
National Round Table in Skopje
The first national round table "Challenges and Perspectives in Leading Sustainable Systems and Business Transformation" was held on November 29, from 12:00 - 14:00 and was organised by the Institute for Research in Environment, Civil Engineering and Energy, Civil Engineering Institute Macedonia, and the Small Business Chamber.
The purpose of the workshop was to establish a dialogue between companies, CSOs, educational and public and institutions, by applying the methodology for solving complex, dynamic and open problems through an interactive "living lab". The workshop was attended by distinguished experts, project managers in the field of sustainable policies and practices, academic public, representatives of the construction sector, as well as representatives of relevant public institutions. The attendees contributed to mapping current challenges and future perspectives in business transformation and building sustainable capacities.

Mapping the Needs of the CATALYST Stakeholders
The workshop covered three elements: policies, laws and strategies; business aspects and a way of managing them, as well as an educational aspect for defining the necessary skills. Overall, good practices and challenges were presented at the national and European level, in terms of existing strategic documents, directives and legislation. Among the business challenges, the need for a clear systematisation of processes in organisations, as well as the need for creating solutions, was highlighted by the participants. The general conclusion was that there is a need for new applicable knowledge and new training methodologies.
What Will Follow
The project's activities include the analysis and mapping of the needs and challenges of employees and companies in relation to the topics of sustainability and management. According to the obtained results and recommendations, the CATALYST Centre of Vocational Excellence will be established, in mutual collaboration with 16 project partners from 6 European countries and promoted in additional 10 European countries by the 40 associated partners.
With carefully developed bottom-up approach, answering several pressing economic and social needs, the CATALYST CoVE will create VET training program, with more than 70 courses and possibilities to co-create and share knowledge through applied research projects between educational and business organisations, which will be united via the CATALYST Platform for education, collaboration and networking. This project will provide unique learning experiences for professionals, students and SMEs, fostering learner-centred approach, and utilising innovative training methodologies. The CATALYST CoVE will be anchored in the European VET eco-system, contributing to regional development, innovation and realisation of the national smart specialisation strategies.
How to Get Involved
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