Water Scarcity in the Transboundary Ohrid and Prespa Lakes

By |2024-09-04T10:29:21+00:00September 4th, 2024|

The "Case study of Ohrid-Prespa Lakes" through the frame innovation approach will present the importance and relevance of system design thinking. Frame innovation is a tool to enhance innovative partnerships for sustainable growth in solving and reframing complex problems. It delves deeply into many aspects of system and design thinking, participatory research, system innovation, transformation [...]

Co-creation of innovation Pathways for Adaptation and Resilience of European Region

By |2024-09-04T10:27:15+00:00September 4th, 2024|

This case study illustrates how an SIA can be implemented in a real-life setting, showcasing potentially diverse European regions facing various challenges at a diversified scale. The example(s) will demonstrate how to co-develop concrete innovation pathways for climate adaptation, ensuring they answer the needs and challenges faced by the local communities. The case study will [...]

Green Energy Self-Sufficiency Community

By |2024-09-04T10:23:38+00:00September 4th, 2024|

Green energy communities network key sustainable partners who support business models for optimising business performance, product design, and manufacturing/recycling/repairs. The case study promotes: - Energy production for the community's own needs - Reinvestment of revenues with the ESCO model in infrastructure and projects for green socially responsible services to the community - Commercialised support for [...]

Green Business Ideas

By |2024-09-04T10:21:40+00:00September 4th, 2024|

Green business ideas generated by communities refer to the use of local resources and the revitalization of the disappearance of traditional production chains and community markets. The case study promotes green ideas at the national level but also reaches rural areas and marginalised communities - will inspire green innovation in European regions facing different environmental [...]

Best Practice Examples of Sustainable Production & Consumption

By |2024-09-04T10:19:25+00:00September 4th, 2024|

The case study focuses on "Die nachhaltige Kreisslerei" in Graz, Austria. This company was established in early 2024 and is trying to not only sell sustainable products but also empower small and local (sustainable) brands and foster professional cooperation in the region. Best practice examples will highlight cases from the industry, such as Patagonia, Umweltdruckerei, [...]

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